% moduloMoments %
Scoping Down & Scaling Up


Welcome to moduloMoments! This site is a collection of some of my learnings and work in software engineering. I'm passionate about helping others achieve sustainable growth in their software engineering careers.

Picture of Rob

Rob Bruhn

Engineering Manager - Senior Software Engineer

Currently growing @SproutSocial. Previously built React frontends and GraphQL backends @RallyHealth. Delivered a component library and React/Node micro frontends @Raise. Shipped features in React, Go, Ruby and Postgres @ReviewTrackers. Helped ship a Backend-as-a-Service beta @BrightWork, a Tech Stars Chicago 2016 startup, and rebuilt UI for commercial real-estate data analytics platform @Goby Inc.

Interesting facts:

Beatboxer | Dad of 3 | Once water-skied to work at the Pentagon | Speaks Chinese | Reads ancient Hebrew & Greek

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