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Scoping Down & Scaling Up


Technical Trailblazers 2023-02-13

Are you a high-performing software engineer, or maybe you work with or manage one? We often hear high-performers labeled using terms like...

Scoping Down & Scaling Up2023-02-05

I began my career-change journey into software engineering over 7 years ago. I took a risk and used the remaining moments...

Reducing reduce: Recursion & ES62016-06-28

Coding challenges and websites abound and I enjoy tackling new problems, but sometimes it is fun to tweak or improve...

Buidler Basics: Node.js Server Pt. 2: 'GET','POST' & 'OPTIONS'2016-04-03

The server we built last week had the simple ability to post "Hello World" to the browser window, but what if you...

Buidler Basics: Node.js Pt. 1.52016-03-23

This morning I wrote about setting up a basic server and how to build a very basic response to a 'GET' request using the...

Buidler Basics: Node.js Server Pt. 12016-03-23

Time got away from me last week, but I'm kicking off my first series in a collection called...

Preparing and Prototypes2016-01-27

Another week of preparation down in the weeks leading to Hack Reactor Remote! I'm working through all the required...

Hack Reactor Ready2016-01-19

My last post was right after my first technical interview with Hack Reactor. Well, I was not accepted on my...

Bootcamps abound...let's narrow it down.2015-11-16

Last week, I stepped up the speed and time that I was investing in creating a stronger foundation in JavaScript.  I ended up...

Making the Most of Modulo Moments2015-11-10

I'm starting this blog to share my experiences learning to code. I'll be posting about projects I'm tackling and reflecting on...

While Learning to Code...2015-11-10

Learning to code sometimes feels like an infinite loop. This week I finished my second attempt at a portfolio and worked my way through...