Bootcamps abound...let's narrow it down.
Last week, I stepped up the speed and time that I was investing in creating a stronger foundation in JavaScript. I ended up completing the JavaScript Road Trip and JavaScript Best Practices on Code School. I also tackled the first 5 chapters of Eloquent JavaScript. I worked on a number of challenge questions to strengthen my ability with callbacks, modular programming, and more. It was a lot to digest in a week, but it had a purpose.
Today, I had a technical interview with Hack Reactor and it was a lot of fun. Going into it, I wasn't positive if I was prepared well enough, but overall I really enjoyed the experience. It was my first time coding with someone and being evaluated live. The initial questions weren't challenging and I tried to talk through what I was doing out loud to make sure my interviewer understood my thought process. At one point I was asked to build my own simple callback function. Later, I was able to ask questions and learn as we walked through a couple challenges with higher-order functions that I had never used. At a couple points I went in the wrong direction doing more work than was necessary and overthinking the challenge, but with some help, I was able to fix my mistakes and learn from them. Overall, the interview was a great learning experience and quickly showed me the value of coding with someone much more experienced. It was a pleasure working through the challenges with my interviewer and hearing more about his experience in the immersive program. I'm excited to hear from them later this week!
Last week, I also spent a lot of time researching and applying to other online bootcamps. Using sites like Quora and Skilledup, I've been trying to get a feel for strengths and weaknesses of online bootcamps that meet my needs and desires. This course report on Online Bootcamps was especially helpful.
- Family- I need something online that allows me to still occasionally say "Hi" to my wife and kids. They'll be making a sacrifice either way, but a 12-week immersive just might be better than a combination of working full-time while in 72-week part-time program.
- Rigorous - I'm looking for a program that doesn't pull punches, but gives me the best preparation possible. Hack Reactor is definitely at the top of this list, but I am also considering a new program through Bloc called their Software Engineering Track. I'll be attending an info. session this week to learn more.
- Finances- This actually isn't much of a concern as I've looked at the options. Most programs have partnership with solid lender options. Initially, I felt the more expensive programs seemed riskier, but now I feel that if anyone is serious about investing in any of these programs, they will get results. The most expensive programs might actually prove to have less risk because you finish better prepared, and some even have guaranteed refunds. Viking Code School only gets paid once you get a job and then they take 18% of you first year of salary which gives them a lot of incentive to prepare you well.
- Acceptance- That's the last criteria. I need to be accepted into the program. Hack Reactor was the first on the list and I'm in process with Bloc, Viking Code School, and planning on learning more about Firehose. All of these options sound good for a number of reasons, but after today, Hack Reactor may likely be the road I choose. If I'm not accepted this go around, they have a new program called Fulcrum that I will heavily consider to prepare for a second interview attempt.